Latin America Vegetable Oil Market, Growth, Report, Trends 2023-2028

Latin America Vegetable Oil Market

El nuevo estudio de Informes de Expertos titulado ‘Mercado Latinoamericano de Aceite Vegetal, Informe y Pronóstico 2023-2028′, ofrece un estudio en profundidad de los factores que configuran positivamente las perspectivas del mercado y examina los aspectos basados en tipo, aplicación, y las regiones clave. El informe analiza además las limitaciones y la rivalidad que plantea el mercado, basándose en los modelos de las cinco fuerzas de Porter, junto con el análisis SWOT. Además, se observa el mercado en términos de tendencias últimas y futuras y su impacto en el algoritmo. El estudio se encarga de la investigación en profundidad, que abarca los indicadores de precios y los actores del mercado, demostrando los impactos en la dinámica y el panorama del mercado.

The new report by Informes de Expertos titled, ‘Latin America Vegetable Oil Market 2023-2028’ , offers an in-depth survey of the factors positively shaping the market outlook and examines the aspects based on type, application, and key regions. The report further analyses the limitations and rivalry posed in the market, based on Porter’s Five Forces models, along with SWOT analysis. Furthermore, the market is observed in terms of latest and future trends and their impact on the algorithm. The study is responsible for the in-depth research, encompassing the price indicators and market players, by demonstrating the impacts on market dynamics and landscape.

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Los aspectos más destacados del informe son:

Visión General del Mercado (2018-2028)

• CAGR del Periodo de Pronóstico (2023-2028): 4,5%

La demanda de aceites vegetales saludables, como los de girasol, mostaza y soja, está aumentando debido a la creciente prevalencia de numerosas afecciones relacionadas con la salud. El uso de aceites vegetales saludables se está disparando en la industria de alimentos procesados como resultado del aumento del consumo de alimentos orgánicos, lo que está impulsando el crecimiento de la industria. A su vez, el mercado obtuvo el valor de 18.500 millones de dólares debido a las amplias aplicaciones en los sectores de la cocina, la cosmética y el cuidado personal y del hogar.

El crecimiento a lo largo del periodo de pronóstico está siendo impulsado por la expansión del sector de la restauración y el creciente uso de aceites vegetales en la fabricación de biocombustibles. Además, varios participantes en el mercado de todo el mundo están desarrollando nuevos productos debido a la creciente demanda de biocombustibles tanto en los países desarrollados como en los emergentes. Los gobiernos regionales también están introduciendo varios programas de ayuda a los pequeños agricultores para que produzcan aceites vegetales de forma sostenible, lo que fomenta aún más el crecimiento del mercado. La producción de aceite sostenible debería crecer con el aumento de las inversiones de las empresas líderes en el empleo de diversas técnicas e innovaciones.

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Industry Definition and Major Segments

Various culinary products commonly employ vegetable oil in order to add flavour and texture. Vegetable oils are typically seen as a healthier source of saturated fats because they are obtained by crushing seeds and fruits. Moreover, this oil can lower the risk of several chronic conditions, including hypertension, because they are high in vitamins, minerals, and are antioxidants.

On the basis of type, the market is segmented into:

• Palm Oil
• Soybean Oil
• Canola Oil
• Sunflower Oil
• Coconut Oil
• Others

On the basis of their applications, the market can be categorised into:

• Food
• Industrial
• Biofuel
• Others

Key regions covered include:

• Brazil
• Argentina
• Colombia
• Others

Market Trends

The latest increase in the oilseed price index mainly reflected higher values of soybean, sunflower seed, and rapeseed. International soybean prices rose in November, chiefly underpinned by concerns over adverse weather conditions in pockets of major growing regions in South America. In particular, severely delayed planting progress due to protracted dryness across soybean sowing areas in Argentina have cast a shadow over the country’s production prospects.

Regarding vegetable oils, the modest rise in the growth index is mostly attributable to rising global palm and soy oil prices, which more than offset falling rapeseed and sunflower oil quotations. Along with worries regarding lower production potentials because of heavy rainfall in some main growing locations, worldwide import demand has been resurgent due to competitive prices compared to those of other edible oils.

Key Market Players

The major players in the market are:

• Archer Daniels Midland Company
• Bunge Limited, Cargill Incorporated
• Louis Dreyfus Company
• Aceitera General Deheza S.A
• Others

This report covers their profiles and provides information on expansions, investments and mergers and acquisitions, among other latest industry developments.

About Us:

Informes de Expertos, the Spanish variant of Expert Market Research, is a platform that offers market research and consultancy services to a broad clientele base across Spanish speaking countries. With our primary focus on the Latin America and Spain markets, our research experts provide relevant and actionable insights into the markets and track major trends, economic developments, and global trade data.

Determined to bring client satisfaction, we make sure that our tailored approach meets the client’s unique market intelligence requirements. Our syndicated and customized research reports cover a wide spectrum of industries ranging from pharmaceuticals and food and beverage to packaging, logistics, and transportation.

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