Although well-known athletes like swimmer Michael Phelps are known to use cupping therapy to leave distinctive circular marks on their bodies, this ancient healing technique can benefit people of all ages and is an important addition to regular doctor visits. However, it should be remembered that cupping is only meant as a supplement and should never replace professional medical advice or consultation.
Cupping Melbourne helps balance negative and positive energies within the body in order to promote health and prevent disease. Some conditions it can help treat include:
Varicose Veins
Varicose veins result from increased pressure on blood vessels. Cupping can help alleviate this pressure by stimulating muscles surrounding the affected area to contract and stretch, relieving pressure. Furthermore, this action releases endorphins – your body’s natural pain reliever – further relieving any discomfort. Varicose veins may be caused by pregnancy, taking birth control pills or hormonal changes, poor circulation, sitting or standing for extended periods, obesity or smoking among other things.
When treating varicose veins with cupping, your practitioner will use either dry or running cups on your body. Dry cupping involves heating the cups prior to placing them on your body where they will stay for several minutes until your skin turns red due to changes in blood flow and pressure. Running cups on your body involve applying them through massage rather than being heated before being placed there for use on you directly.
Cups will then drain any fluids pressing against veins, helping to strengthen vein walls, promote healthy circulation and remove excess fluid – helping reduce scarring, stretch marks, cellulite and promote collagen production.
Cubing therapy used on the face can provide significant relief from congestion caused by colds, flu symptoms or chronic conditions like bronchitis or asthma. By drawing oxygen-rich blood into your lungs and respiratory muscles through its suction power, cupping loosens congestion while breaking up phlegm buildup in your lungs and freeing them up from its grip.
Stretch Marks & Scars
Cupping has recently made headlines after Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps displayed round bruise marks on his back, but this ancient holistic treatment dates back centuries in Chinese and Egyptian medicine, even making an appearance in one of the oldest medical textbooks dated 1550 BC known as Ebers Papyrus.
At a cupping session, practitioners apply cups directly to your skin. Their method may use dry or wet cupping depending on the area being treated and your health goals; in dry cupping cups are heated with fire or manually pumped to create suction before being left on for several minutes while their pressure opens blood vessels and encourages fresh blood flow, stimulating tissues beneath and helping promote healing.
Cupping therapy also aids in breaking up scar tissue and loosening fascia (or connective tissue). This increases flexibility and range of motion, making cupping an excellent way to relieve muscle tightness or joint discomfort.
Cupping can result in red circular marks on your skin where cups have been applied, similar to bruises. While they may look disturbing at first, they won’t be painful and should go away within one or two weeks. For optimal results and maximum benefits it is crucial that you consult a trained practitioner who can minimize side effects and maximize results.
Respiratory Congestion
Chinese medicine holds that pathogenic factors tend to gather in the superficial layers of the body before attacking organs more deeply, thus cupping therapy’s negative pressure generated by vacuum suction can effectively remove these pathogens and help clear congestion in lungs.
Cupping therapy can be used to address breathing disorders like allergies, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma and other respiratory conditions. Cupping helps the lungs expel mucus while relieving coughing and breathlessness while simultaneously improving immunity and providing relief from inflammation.
Suction cups pull skin and tissue upward, which helps decompress muscles and soft tissues, increase blood flow to an area, alleviate pain and draw out toxins. Although the cups may cause some tight sensation, it should generally not be painful. They may leave behind marks depending on how long a treatment lasts and its strength of suction; these marks are harmless and should remain for some time so patients can fully benefit from treatment.
Cupping should only be performed if you are taking anticoagulants or have bleeding disorders as this could result in bruises. Furthermore, observation, listening, tongue and pulse diagnosis must be used to ensure the appropriate method for each individual condition – forcing an inappropriate solution can be detrimental.
Lymphatic Drainage
Cupping works to bring stagnant lymph fluids closer to the surface of skin for easier removal, helping ease conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia and chronic venous insufficiency (blood pooling in legs). This may provide relief for conditions like these.
Cupping therapy can also help to ease tight, congested muscles and loosen adhesions that bind them, providing greater body fluidity and relieving pain or stiffness by freeing the tissues to move more freely – leading many people to report feeling lighter and more flexible after receiving cupping therapy sessions.
As soon as a cupping session ends, you may notice circular marks on the area of skin where the cups were applied. These marks range in color from pink to deep red or purple – don’t be alarmed; this indicates that it was effective! Darker marks suggest greater levels of toxins were released onto your surface skin while lighter marks indicate lower toxicity levels.
Although a 2018 study indicates that cupping is an effective technique for treating back pain, experts still require further high-quality studies to support this claim. If you want to try cupping for back pain relief, please speak with your physician first; some health conditions (such as blood clotting issues ) could make this procedure unsafe.